Download CV examples
Standard CV
Are you in search for an administrative or sales management position? Want to write your resume based on a chronological order? Click on the button below to download an example that suits You.
Competency based CV
You have an extensive job experience and can’t possibly fit it into 1 page? Want to stress not only your qualifications but your knowledge and skills as well? Are you considering switching areas of expertise or applying for a position to which your previous work experience has no relevance? Click on the button below to download an example that suits You.
Graphic CV
You have little or no work experience and want to present yourself more visually? You are applying for a creativity based position that requires good understanding of design/commercial arts/etc.? Click on the button below to download an example that suits You.
Work experience based CV
Are you looking for a job in the area of consulting and service business? Applying for a position as an economist/accountant/junior manager/administrator/secretary? Click on the button below to download an example that suits You.
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